

9 Proven Ways To Instantly Increase Your Landing Page Conversion Rate

9 Proven Ways To Instantly Increase Your Landing Page Conversion Rate

Oct 29, 2023


7 min read


Increase in conversion rate on your landing page
Increase in conversion rate on your landing page
Increase in conversion rate on your landing page


If you plan on creating a landing page and want to make sure to get the most out of it, you’re in the right place. In this blog post, I’ll share tips and tricks to help you create landing pages that drive conversions.

A Landing Page Is NOT A Website

Before getting into the specific tactics, I want this point to be very clear. A landing page is not a website.

The main goal of a website is to explain and present your business to visitors. Therefore, it’s usually made of different pages linked together with a navigation menu.

It gives all the information a visitor may ever need to know about your business. From your business story to what you offer, your website is made to inform people.

A typical website has most, if not all, of the following pages:

  • Home Page

  • About Page

  • Services Page

  • Testimonials page

  • Awards Page

  • Contact Page

  • Blog Page

  • You got the point

A landing page, on the other hand, is created to be simple. The only purpose of a landing page is to convert visitors into leads or customers. Its effectiveness is therefore measured according to actual conversion rates.

It’s not made to tell your story. It’s not made to present your business. It’s not made to brag about how many projects you’ve completed or how big your clients are. The only goal of a landing page is to CONVERT.

A landing page is not a website

How To Make The Perfect Landing Page

Now that we’re clear on the differences between a website and a landing page, let’s look at specific tactics.

As we go over the points, let’s keep in mind that the only goal is to convert visitors into leads or customers. Therefore, everything on the landing page will be designed with this goal in mind.

Tactic 1 - Start With The End In Mind

Before starting to create the actual page, you should think about what’s the goal of the page.

Do you want to offer something for free in exchange for their contact information? Are you presenting a special offer? Do you want people to join your newsletter? Before doing anything, it makes sense to figure out what you want your visitors to do.

The length of the page will be directly correlated to how much you’re asking from your visitors. If you’re asking them to join your newsletter, a simple landing page with a headline, a description, an image, and a form will be more than enough.

However, suppose you’re selling a thousand-dollar coaching program. In that case, your landing page needs to be longer to have enough copy to sell your visitors on what it is that you’re offering.

Start with the end in mind to increase your landing page conversion rate

Tactic 2 - Know Your Audience

If you don’t know your audience better than they know themselves, your landing page will not convert. You need to understand what problems they face, what’s their dream state, and what’s stopping them from achieving it.

Let me illustrate this point with an example. Let’s say that you sell a fat-loss program. Will you make the same landing page independently of your audience? I pray you won’t.

Why is it that your audience wants to lose fat? Is your audience made of teenagers who want to impress girls at the beach, or are you targeting postpartum mothers who want to lose the extra pounds they gained?

If visitors don’t feel that you understand their pain and struggles, your chances of converting them are extremely thin.

The time you spend in this stage will have more returns than any other activities you could engage in when it comes to building a landing page.

The better you understand your audience, the easier everything will be. Don’t overlook it!

Know your audience to increase your landing page conversion rate

Tactic 3 - Create An Irresistible Offer

No amount of copywriting skills and persuasion tactics will make your landing page convert if your offer is junk.

You need to help your audience solve a REAL problem they’re facing. If you did what I suggested you to do in the previous point, you should already know what challenges they’re facing. If you don’t, go back and do more research.

The greater the discrepancy between the value you’re giving and what you’re asking in return, the easier it will be to sell. The image below should make this point abundantly clear.

Create an irresistible offer to increase your landing page converion rate

Which one do you think will be easier to sell? Even with the worst landing page of all time, you’d still have a much easier time selling the Ferrari.

Make your offers so good people feel stupid saying no, and you’ll have no problems converting visitors into customers.

Tactic 4 - Craft A Curiosity-Based Headline

The headline is, without any doubt, the most important piece of copy you’ll have to write for your landing page.

You can have the best offer in the world with the greatest web copy of all time, but if your headline is shit, you won’t sell much, if anything at all.

If people can’t tell if they might be interested in your offer, why should they even bother reading? Your polished sales copy is useless if nobody reads it!

It’s FAR better to get the headline right and the web copy wrong, than the other way around. This is such an important point I want to repeat it: It’s far better to get the headline right and the web copy wrong, than the other way around.

The number one purpose of a headline is to grab the reader’s curiosity and make them want to learn more about what you sell.

One thing that you want to avoid is creating general headlines. If your headline appeals to everybody, you did something wrong.

You’re offering something specific to a group of people. You only care about those people. You don’t want traffic not interested in what you’re selling.

A general or misleading headline may increase traffic. But these visitors will consist mainly of people uninterested in what you offer. On top of that, you’ll lose trust, skyrocket your bounce rate, and decrease your conversion rate.

In a nutshell: Arise curiosity only for people who might be interested in what you’re offering.

Arise curiosity with your headline to increase your landing page conversion rate

Tactic 5 - Forget About Links

The whole point of a landing page is to convert visitors. Does it make sense to give them multiple opportunities to leave the page before they’ve made a decision?

You want your visitors to focus on what you’re offering. Is it reasonable to give them options to get distracted? This is perhaps the easiest thing you can do to increase the average time visitors spend on your landing page.

Remove any link on your page that can draw your visitors away from your call to action.

remove links from your landing page to increase converion rates

Tactic 6 - Make It Easy To Take Action

One landing page must include ONLY ONE call to action (CTA). You want to make it abundantly clear how people can get what they want (AKA your product/service).

Multiple call to actions will only lead to confusion, and one of the fundamental rules of marketing is that a confused mind says ‘no’.

Here’s a quick checklist to go through to make sure you get the most out of your CTA:

  • There’s only one call to action

  • The call to action is repeated multiple times throughout the landing page

  • The CTA is clear (people want to know what they’re about to do)

  • The call to action stands out from the page with vibrant colors and bold copy

Create a clear CTA and repeat it many times throughout the page to increase your landing page conversion rate

Tactic 7 - Add Social Proof

Have you ever made a purchase based on what you saw in online reviews? That’s because social proof is one of the most powerful principles of persuasion.

Social proof has been proven time and again to systematically boost conversion rates.

On a landing page, social proof can take many forms, including customer testimonials, reviews, ratings, case studies, and quantifiable data (”Over 100,000 downloads!”).

Social proof is so effective for two reasons:

  1. We, as humans, are more likely to engage in an activity if other people are doing it

  2. It can help establish trust and authority

Add social proof to increase your landing page conversion rate

Tactic 8 - Make Your Landing Page Responsive

The actual data clearly indicates that mobile traffic is nearly twice as high as desktop traffic. So, if your landing pages aren’t optimised for mobile users, you will miss out on a significant portion of traffic.

The last thing you want is for people to not be able to navigate your landing page because it doesn’t display correctly on their devices.

In one survey, 52 percent of users said a bad mobile experience made them less likely to engage with a company.

Give your viewers every possible opportunity to convert, no matter where they view your page.

Make your landing page response to increase conversion rates

Tactic 9 - Optimise Your Load Time

Your page load speed might seem like a minor technical detail, but it’s actually way more important than most people think.

A slow loading time is the NUMBER ONE reason users leave a website. If your website takes too long to load, almost 90% of your visitors will leave.

All your hard work on the page itself will mean absolutely nothing if people leave the landing page even before they see it.

Ideally, your landing page should load in under 2 seconds.

If you want to check how fast your page loads, check out this tool made available for free from Google itself.

Optimise your load time for higher conversion rate on your landing page


Q1 - How Long Does It Take To Build A Landing Page?

The time it takes to build a landing page depends on various factors such as complexity, design, and functionality. On average, a simple landing page could be created within a few hours to a day, while more intricate pages may take a few days to a week.

Q2 - Does A Landing Page Need SEO?

It depends on your marketing strategy. If your traffic comes mainly from ads or a newsletter, SEO may have a lesser impact. However, optimising for relevant keywords and ensuring a user-friendly experience can still contribute to better results and conversions.

Q3 - Does A Landing Page Need A Custom Domain?

No, a custom domain is not mandatory for a landing page. Many platforms offer free subdomains, allowing you to create a landing page without purchasing a custom domain. However, having a custom domain can enhance credibility and brand recognition, making it a worthwhile consideration.

Q4 - What Is A Landing Page Conversion Rate?

A landing page conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who completed a desired action. It's a key metric for measuring the effectiveness of a page in turning visitors into customers or leads.

Q5 - What Is A Good Landing Page Conversion Rate?

A typical conversion rate for a landing page is approximately 4.02%. However, it's advisable to consider the industry average related to your specific business or goals for a more accurate benchmark.


The principles presented above are by no means a comprehensive list. Still, they will ensure you positive results if applied correctly.

While there are some considerations to make based on the scope of your landing page, these principles apply universally and can help you turn more visitors into customers or clients.

As long as you follow the best practices we covered above, you’ll be on your way to a high-performing landing page.

I sincerely hope this article helped you find ways to improve your landing page conversions and will result in tangible results for your business.

If you need some additional guidance, do not hesitate to get in touch.


If you plan on creating a landing page and want to make sure to get the most out of it, you’re in the right place. In this blog post, I’ll share tips and tricks to help you create landing pages that drive conversions.

A Landing Page Is NOT A Website

Before getting into the specific tactics, I want this point to be very clear. A landing page is not a website.

The main goal of a website is to explain and present your business to visitors. Therefore, it’s usually made of different pages linked together with a navigation menu.

It gives all the information a visitor may ever need to know about your business. From your business story to what you offer, your website is made to inform people.

A typical website has most, if not all, of the following pages:

  • Home Page

  • About Page

  • Services Page

  • Testimonials page

  • Awards Page

  • Contact Page

  • Blog Page

  • You got the point

A landing page, on the other hand, is created to be simple. The only purpose of a landing page is to convert visitors into leads or customers. Its effectiveness is therefore measured according to actual conversion rates.

It’s not made to tell your story. It’s not made to present your business. It’s not made to brag about how many projects you’ve completed or how big your clients are. The only goal of a landing page is to CONVERT.

A landing page is not a website

How To Make The Perfect Landing Page

Now that we’re clear on the differences between a website and a landing page, let’s look at specific tactics.

As we go over the points, let’s keep in mind that the only goal is to convert visitors into leads or customers. Therefore, everything on the landing page will be designed with this goal in mind.

Tactic 1 - Start With The End In Mind

Before starting to create the actual page, you should think about what’s the goal of the page.

Do you want to offer something for free in exchange for their contact information? Are you presenting a special offer? Do you want people to join your newsletter? Before doing anything, it makes sense to figure out what you want your visitors to do.

The length of the page will be directly correlated to how much you’re asking from your visitors. If you’re asking them to join your newsletter, a simple landing page with a headline, a description, an image, and a form will be more than enough.

However, suppose you’re selling a thousand-dollar coaching program. In that case, your landing page needs to be longer to have enough copy to sell your visitors on what it is that you’re offering.

Start with the end in mind to increase your landing page conversion rate

Tactic 2 - Know Your Audience

If you don’t know your audience better than they know themselves, your landing page will not convert. You need to understand what problems they face, what’s their dream state, and what’s stopping them from achieving it.

Let me illustrate this point with an example. Let’s say that you sell a fat-loss program. Will you make the same landing page independently of your audience? I pray you won’t.

Why is it that your audience wants to lose fat? Is your audience made of teenagers who want to impress girls at the beach, or are you targeting postpartum mothers who want to lose the extra pounds they gained?

If visitors don’t feel that you understand their pain and struggles, your chances of converting them are extremely thin.

The time you spend in this stage will have more returns than any other activities you could engage in when it comes to building a landing page.

The better you understand your audience, the easier everything will be. Don’t overlook it!

Know your audience to increase your landing page conversion rate

Tactic 3 - Create An Irresistible Offer

No amount of copywriting skills and persuasion tactics will make your landing page convert if your offer is junk.

You need to help your audience solve a REAL problem they’re facing. If you did what I suggested you to do in the previous point, you should already know what challenges they’re facing. If you don’t, go back and do more research.

The greater the discrepancy between the value you’re giving and what you’re asking in return, the easier it will be to sell. The image below should make this point abundantly clear.

Create an irresistible offer to increase your landing page converion rate

Which one do you think will be easier to sell? Even with the worst landing page of all time, you’d still have a much easier time selling the Ferrari.

Make your offers so good people feel stupid saying no, and you’ll have no problems converting visitors into customers.

Tactic 4 - Craft A Curiosity-Based Headline

The headline is, without any doubt, the most important piece of copy you’ll have to write for your landing page.

You can have the best offer in the world with the greatest web copy of all time, but if your headline is shit, you won’t sell much, if anything at all.

If people can’t tell if they might be interested in your offer, why should they even bother reading? Your polished sales copy is useless if nobody reads it!

It’s FAR better to get the headline right and the web copy wrong, than the other way around. This is such an important point I want to repeat it: It’s far better to get the headline right and the web copy wrong, than the other way around.

The number one purpose of a headline is to grab the reader’s curiosity and make them want to learn more about what you sell.

One thing that you want to avoid is creating general headlines. If your headline appeals to everybody, you did something wrong.

You’re offering something specific to a group of people. You only care about those people. You don’t want traffic not interested in what you’re selling.

A general or misleading headline may increase traffic. But these visitors will consist mainly of people uninterested in what you offer. On top of that, you’ll lose trust, skyrocket your bounce rate, and decrease your conversion rate.

In a nutshell: Arise curiosity only for people who might be interested in what you’re offering.

Arise curiosity with your headline to increase your landing page conversion rate

Tactic 5 - Forget About Links

The whole point of a landing page is to convert visitors. Does it make sense to give them multiple opportunities to leave the page before they’ve made a decision?

You want your visitors to focus on what you’re offering. Is it reasonable to give them options to get distracted? This is perhaps the easiest thing you can do to increase the average time visitors spend on your landing page.

Remove any link on your page that can draw your visitors away from your call to action.

remove links from your landing page to increase converion rates

Tactic 6 - Make It Easy To Take Action

One landing page must include ONLY ONE call to action (CTA). You want to make it abundantly clear how people can get what they want (AKA your product/service).

Multiple call to actions will only lead to confusion, and one of the fundamental rules of marketing is that a confused mind says ‘no’.

Here’s a quick checklist to go through to make sure you get the most out of your CTA:

  • There’s only one call to action

  • The call to action is repeated multiple times throughout the landing page

  • The CTA is clear (people want to know what they’re about to do)

  • The call to action stands out from the page with vibrant colors and bold copy

Create a clear CTA and repeat it many times throughout the page to increase your landing page conversion rate

Tactic 7 - Add Social Proof

Have you ever made a purchase based on what you saw in online reviews? That’s because social proof is one of the most powerful principles of persuasion.

Social proof has been proven time and again to systematically boost conversion rates.

On a landing page, social proof can take many forms, including customer testimonials, reviews, ratings, case studies, and quantifiable data (”Over 100,000 downloads!”).

Social proof is so effective for two reasons:

  1. We, as humans, are more likely to engage in an activity if other people are doing it

  2. It can help establish trust and authority

Add social proof to increase your landing page conversion rate

Tactic 8 - Make Your Landing Page Responsive

The actual data clearly indicates that mobile traffic is nearly twice as high as desktop traffic. So, if your landing pages aren’t optimised for mobile users, you will miss out on a significant portion of traffic.

The last thing you want is for people to not be able to navigate your landing page because it doesn’t display correctly on their devices.

In one survey, 52 percent of users said a bad mobile experience made them less likely to engage with a company.

Give your viewers every possible opportunity to convert, no matter where they view your page.

Make your landing page response to increase conversion rates

Tactic 9 - Optimise Your Load Time

Your page load speed might seem like a minor technical detail, but it’s actually way more important than most people think.

A slow loading time is the NUMBER ONE reason users leave a website. If your website takes too long to load, almost 90% of your visitors will leave.

All your hard work on the page itself will mean absolutely nothing if people leave the landing page even before they see it.

Ideally, your landing page should load in under 2 seconds.

If you want to check how fast your page loads, check out this tool made available for free from Google itself.

Optimise your load time for higher conversion rate on your landing page


Q1 - How Long Does It Take To Build A Landing Page?

The time it takes to build a landing page depends on various factors such as complexity, design, and functionality. On average, a simple landing page could be created within a few hours to a day, while more intricate pages may take a few days to a week.

Q2 - Does A Landing Page Need SEO?

It depends on your marketing strategy. If your traffic comes mainly from ads or a newsletter, SEO may have a lesser impact. However, optimising for relevant keywords and ensuring a user-friendly experience can still contribute to better results and conversions.

Q3 - Does A Landing Page Need A Custom Domain?

No, a custom domain is not mandatory for a landing page. Many platforms offer free subdomains, allowing you to create a landing page without purchasing a custom domain. However, having a custom domain can enhance credibility and brand recognition, making it a worthwhile consideration.

Q4 - What Is A Landing Page Conversion Rate?

A landing page conversion rate is the percentage of visitors who completed a desired action. It's a key metric for measuring the effectiveness of a page in turning visitors into customers or leads.

Q5 - What Is A Good Landing Page Conversion Rate?

A typical conversion rate for a landing page is approximately 4.02%. However, it's advisable to consider the industry average related to your specific business or goals for a more accurate benchmark.


The principles presented above are by no means a comprehensive list. Still, they will ensure you positive results if applied correctly.

While there are some considerations to make based on the scope of your landing page, these principles apply universally and can help you turn more visitors into customers or clients.

As long as you follow the best practices we covered above, you’ll be on your way to a high-performing landing page.

I sincerely hope this article helped you find ways to improve your landing page conversions and will result in tangible results for your business.

If you need some additional guidance, do not hesitate to get in touch.

Luca Da Corte

Luca Da Corte is a freelance Framer Expert and SEO specialist. When he’s not working on some exciting projects, he curates a blog where he shares insights, resources, and experiences on everything regarding websites.

Table Of Contents:

A Landing Page Is NOT A Website
How To Make The Perfect Landing Page

Table Of Contents:

A Landing Page Is NOT A Website
How To Make The Perfect Landing Page

Table Of Contents:

A Landing Page Is NOT A Website
How To Make The Perfect Landing Page